What is Edu Designer?

Edu Designer was born in February 2015 , developed by “Polo per la formazione digitale docenti” ( Department which leads the teachers’ digital training), USR Lombardy, AT Varese (Italy). Our Project tracks a professional profile determining goals, paths and useful knowledge to get to it.

An Edu Designer, abbreviation of Educational Designer, is a teacher who can revisit their own methodological action, engage and motivate students through communication channels they already know, as digital natives, lead the class towards the production of qualified artifacts for several disciplinary fields to acknowledge, adopt and adapt 3.0 education's methodological models.


Edu Designer gives a profile to make the teachers grow and stimulate them to disseminate a digital culture, digital citizenship, open projects and therefore reusable by colleagues (OER, Open Educationale Resources).

Methodological innovation
supported by ICT


Edu Designer is a route every teacher can follow, not depending on their grade or class.
From nursery to elementary school, until high school, involving support teachers’ necessity.
Among the trainees , we’ve had every kind of teachers, with no disciplinary field exception.


In this course, we talk about flipped classroom and ESA (Episode of Situated Learning) , active and cooperative learning.

We find strategies and tools to take the students to the center of a learning process: actors and authors of a cooperative growth

Edu Web-designer
Staying online

Both the overturning, and the digital artifacts produced by the students have to be spread as much as possible.

Teachers must know how to handle and occupy settings, simple ones too, online. From web containers to Google sites, to the virtual classes and so on.


For a teacher it’s very important to be able to produce dynamic and catchy digital objects, and to let their students do the same, overtaking the elder PowerPoint, in order to make problem solving, organisation and digital knowledge grow.
Digital storytelling with comics, cartoons and slide shows. Ebooks, videos, audios, speaking maps, multimedia itineraries, concept maps, virtuale and aumented reality.